After the successful arrangement of the 1st ISCRAES 2020 (Virtual, 4-6 November, 2020) and the 2nd ISCRAES 2022 (in-person, 28-31 August 2022 in Dublin), it is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the Third International Symposium on Climate-Resilient Agri-Environmental Systems (ISCRAES 2024).  This symposium, a biennial scientific event not-for-profit, will be held from 25-28 JUNE, 2024  at UCD University Club, University College Dublin, Dublin 04. The main theme of the ISCRAES 2024 is “REFRAMING STRATEGIES FOR LOW CARBON FUTURE IN AGRO-FARMING SYSTEMS“, leading to achieving the primary objective of agro-environmental sustainability by tackling the current major environmental, climate, and societal challenges facing by the world. 

Globally climate change is one of the most important issues facing the agricultural sectors and these, in turn, contribute significantly to climate change through enhanced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Other environmental concerns associated with agriculture include increased  water, air and soil pollution.  Minimising potential impacts represents  a big challenge for  the agri-food sector, given the need to significantly enhance food production. To meet the dual challenge of enhancing food production whilst minimising the environmental impact in line with the UN-SDGs,  cooperation with stakeholders from both the public and private sectors  is required. This will also require significant steps in the development and adoption of  technologies with a low carbon/GHG footprint throughout the lifecycle/supply chain.

Given that agriculture is also a major contributor to GHG emissions, they could play a significant role in meeting GHG mitigation and offseting targets through alternative land use and improved management options including agroforestry but this needs to be achieved in a sustainable way without compromising agricultural productivity. This is a global challenge  as  agriculture contributes significantly to the economy but is, in turn, a major contributor to national GHG emissions and environmental degradation and ecosystem services. This conference will provide  a platform to discuss the scientific and technical aspects of the range of cross-cutting issues associated with the environmental impact of agriculture, including public perception, regulatory and socio-economic factors.

We also feel proud to welcome you to Ireland the green island in the North Atlantic, with  a fascinating mix of the very old and very new, of city life and country life, and the vibrant city of Dublin, which is the Europe’s fourth popular city and one of the friendliest capital cities in the world.